Business Iceland
Business Iceland

The equality policy of Bus­iness Ice­land and its plan

Article 5 of the Equality Act states that an equality plan must contain a statement on the rights listed in Articles 6 and 12–14. They deal specifically with equal pay, vacancies, occupational training, retraining, continual education, the co-ordination of family and professional life and how employers and managers shall prevent gender-related violence, gender-related harassment and sexual harassment.

Paragraph 1, Article 1 of Act No. 86/2018 states that it is illegal to discriminate between individuals, directly or indirectly, based on race, national origin, religion, basic life values, disability, impaired work ability, age, gender proclivity, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression.

The number of staff is 40 on an annual basis.

Representative: Inga Björg Hjaltadóttir.


With this equality policy, the management and staff join in the determined goal of working towards general and gender equality as well as that of other groups – with the interests of all in mind.

Quality, work experience, hiring

We establish work experience requirements where the role and responsibilities of staff are made clear.

We run an informed workplace where continual education and training is emphasised.

  • We are all responsible for educating ourselves and maintaining our competence
  • We organise staff training based on the needs of Íslandsstofa for expertise and ability of the staff in light of the role of the office and its tasks.
  • We use the expertise in our activities and thereby ensure that the required results are ascertained from the education we invest in.

We warmly welcome new staff members.

In our hiring, we emphasise the recruitment of competent, ambitious and results-oriented staff members.

Vacancies are equally open to women and men as well as people without registered gender identity in the National Register, however, as stipulated in paragraph 2, Article 16.

We treat hiring and employment cessation in a professional manner.

The work environment

At Business Iceland, we aim at a comfortable and stimulating work environment.

The organisation of the workplace takes account of the needs of our tasks and staff, of laws and regulations and the limits of our space and finances at each time.

We seek to provide good access and workspace convenient to all, irrespective of gender or persons with physical or mental impairments.

Employment emoluments, equality and family responsibilities, persecution and harassment

The emoluments at Business Iceland take account of the workload, the stress involved, ability and results of the staff.

  • Staff members can request a pay review interview once a year. The manager conducts these interviews.
  • Business Iceland is an equal-opportunity workplace.
  • We take care not to let our tasks be classified into male and female jobs, and we ceaselessly work on equalising the gender ratio in our teams.
  • Business Iceland has regard towards people with a neutral gender identity registration in the National Register.
  • When hiring, we endeavour to hire the most qualified person and not discriminate by gender, race, national origin, religion, basic life values, disability, impaired work ability, age, gender proclivity, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression.
  • We bid all genders welcome at Íslandsstofa.
  • At Business Iceland, working hours are flexible, and we try to organise work in such a way that all staff, irrespective of gender, can manage their job, family responsibility and private life with mutual co-operation and resilience.
  • All genders have an equal opportunity to develop in their job and educate themselves.
  • Women, men and persons with a neutral gender registry in the National Register receive the same pay for the same or equally valuable work as others, irrespective of gender, age or other immaterial factors, cf. Act No. 86/2018.
  • We prevent a gender pay difference.

    We do not tolerate personal persecution, violence or sexual harassment at Íslandsstofa. We have a plan to respond if suspicion arises of personal persecution, violence or harassment in the workplace.

    We set up an action plan for the human resource policy of Íslandsstofa for each year, including an equal opportunity plan.

    Personal persecution, sexual harassment, gender harassment and violence are measured annually in a poll amongst the staff.

    Business Iceland is in the process of acquiring an equal pay certification which will, along with other equality aspects of this human resource policy, be reviewed and revised if needed.

    This equality policy is based on the Equality Act No. 150/2020 and Act No. 86/2018 on Equal Treatment in the Labour Market.